Monday, July 18, 2011

Garmin and Rainbows

So, first run with the Garmin...It was fun, because I had a thing on my wrist telling me exactly how fast I was going, how far I'd gone, etc.

It wasn't so fun because it was muggy, kind of rainy, and warm. Also, my legs hadn't recovered really well, I think because I ate crud, which included sweet/salty food, and I didn't make up for it with goodly amounts of water, and I didn't go to sleep when I should have.

Oh, well. At least the run happened!

It was rainy when I got up this morning. I don't generally run in the morning, so that was okay. I just kept thinking to myself "Hmmm.... I hope it lets up! I need to try out the new watch!". So, we didn't go running in the afternoon, either. Why? Well, habit. I usually wait for my brother to get done with work, and he was working today, only later (more on that in a minute), so we could have very feasably gone in the afternoon. But we didn't.

So, I thought we were going around 6:00 pm. I had gotten drowsy, really drowsy, and laid down for a nap around 4:00. When I got up, he was at work, and it was between 5:30 and 6:00. Bummer. Oh, well, he was getting picked up at 6:30.

So, I go with mom to pick him up. I note that it is raining lightly as we drive away. In the Village, where we run, I note that it isn't running. Which is cool, I think.

He says he can't run because his legs don't feel recovered. I'm like "Hmm... well, I can still run and try the watch!" Well, mom mentioned me washing my car. I need to wash my car. It looks terrible right now. It's kind of a clunker anyway, but I'm not helping things by letting it be dirty.

But I'm like: "But then I can't run today..." then she said: "Well, I'd rather you run... you can wash it tomorrow..." So I'm like "Whew, awesome!"

So, we get home, I change, and by the time all is said and done, we get to the Start at around 7:10. I warm up with the Lunge Matrix from (which I love) and I start off. Nice! I'm already getting a 10:30~ pace! Which is fast for me; and I'm only used to seeing averages for paces.

Also, I feel it as the uphill incline starts... my calves are burning... oh, no. This happened last time I ran 4 miles.

So, I keep going, stopping to walk now and again. My first mile time was 14:45... slow, for me. Dang calves making me walk! I keep going, of course. I've already determined that I'm, not quitting. I'm good at not quitting.

My calves are still burning. I'm really getting down about my pace, but there's not too much I can do because...yes, the calves... ugh... and I'm feeling tired... and now my glutes are feeling sore...But I kept going! Charging up hills and along the flat areas as best as I could (which wasn't very good, but still; I was going!) second mile at 13:23! Yes! Well, I don't know if I checked that mile at the time; I don't think I did; I might have been encouraged at that point. I don't remember much about the third mile, 14:59... not so great. Hrmm...

Last mile, though! I'm on the last mile, and I can do better than I did last time I went that distance! I start going up the hill the last time, and I realize something. The distance on my Garmin is too short. The DM-mapped 4 mile mark... isn't 4 miles! I have to charge up a second hill! I get agrivated and really, really push! I realize as I start down the hill that the DM-mapped 4 mile mark is correct, it's just on the way back instead of on the way... meaning, the second time I pass that point after this particular turnaround (which I passed because I thought it was the 4 mile point...) is the 4 mile point... So, mile 4 was 14:37, a bit better! I charged through the last bit (which I didn't know the distance of) and came in with a total time of 1 hour 6 minutes and 29 seconds. 4.72 miles.

My average pace was 14:05. I know I could have done better if my calves weren't so sore. I had, as I mentioned before, a low quality recovery, and that was at least part of the problem. So I'll know better next time.

To be sure, I'm not trying to push the reason for the low quality of my run on things that I can't control. I mean, that's what I feel like I'm doing, but I know I'm not. I mean, I can control my diet and sleep habits...when I'm not being lazy... so, that's what I'll do! I've had to shift my schedule a bit to accommodate things... things being the late hour on my Sunday run, so the long run has been moved to Thursday. Semi-long run was today, tomorrow is a rest day, Wednesday is 3.1 miles, and Friday is 3-4 miles.

So, there's that.

Stats from today's run:

Distance: 4.72 miles
Average Pace: 14:05
Rainbows: 1 (yay!)
Sore Calves: Yes. Seriously. Blech.
Overall: Glad I did it. Excited about Garmin. Wooooooot!

That is all.

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