Sunday, July 24, 2011


...In many ways.

First, last night, I stayed up late doing:
1) Watching the latest episodes of Eureka that my parents hadn't seen
2) Watching episodes of Warehouse 13 that people hadn't seen.
I actually only watched one of the second and then went to bed. Then, I decided to watch The Booth at the End, once I was sure the other people were done watching Warehouse 13, and after that an old episode of The Dead Zone while waiting for my podcasts to update. Now, here, I must digress and explain something .

There is no real actual cable/satalite TV in this house. How do we watch such magnificent shows? Hulu. That's how. Or, as in the case of Eureka, download the lastest season from iTunes. The problem is, we have horrible satilite internet, which means that we can only watch hulu after 11 pm at night.

So, all told, I stayed up last night until about 4:13 am. I had planned on getting up around 8 am to give me some time before I was to go running at 9 am with R to get our 8 mile long runs in, as per our marathon schedules. Well, that didn't happen. Neither one of us got up before 10:30. It was too warm by that point (northern California talking, here). Then, he had to go help my dad. 

There wasn't much to do today, so I mostly sat around on the computer, catching up on things, reading (mostly pointless) articles, etc, in a warm room and unavoidably covered in a thin sheen of sweat all day. I drank water, though not enough, as you will soon see.

Anyway, I figured we could get out of the house by about 6:00 pm and still have enough time before it got too dark (around 9:00 pm) to do those long runs. I was wrong. R was gone at 6:00 having left again at around 5:00. I figured after waiting until nearly 7:00 "Well, that's it for running today..."

Around 7:15, I think it was, R calls and says for me to meet him down at the place where he is with his running gear. I'm like: "Woo!" So I get my garmin (Yay! Still excited about that...) and his stuff and I go down there.

We spend about 30 minutes doing other stuff before we can get going. Then we drive to the start point. By the time I get started, it's around 8:00 so I know I'll only get about 3-5 miles done.

So, I get going and I'm feeling good. My pace is good; my heart rate is good; my breathing is good; my legs feel great.

As I start the second mile, I start to feel sickish. Just a little bit. It gets gradually w orse as I go along. By the time mile 3 comes along, I know what's wrong. I didn't drink enough water. I feel slightly nausiated. My mouth is dry, and I seriously feel like I'm not sweating enough. I take it easy and finish the 3.18 mile run in 45:20. Not my best time; not my worst. I'm just glad I got it done.

On the other hand,I have to put off my long run yet again. And all of this could have been avoided if I had just not stayed up so darn late last night! Grr...

So, I'm switching my long run to Tuesday, which will force me to get up early (I have knitting group at 12:30) and get the run done, so that will kickstart me into that habit.

Totals for this run:
Mile 1: 13:59
2: 13:22
3: 15:38 (I guess this is really where I started to feel sick)
Last .18 mile was at a 12:52 pace and took 2:19

Totals for the week:
Running: 18 miles
Walking: 1 mile
Time: 4 hours 34 minutes
Average Pace:  ~4.23 mph

What's the most frustrating is that my mileage needs to be higher (I think) than what it is, for my training. I'll have to take a look, but this really is the worst thing...

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