So, I wanted to do 10 - I did! But between my trapeziums hurting (because I've started strength training again) and staying up too late, I didn't get good sleep, or enough. I also haven't been eating very well or drinking enough water.
When will I learn that I have to take care of myself before I can become a better runner? Jeez!
Anyway, I ended up doing 5 miles at a fairly slow pace. But it's okay. It's a good start! This year is going to be a great running year, I have determined.
To make sure this happens, I'm going to:
-Get to bed earlier (11:00 or 12:00, at the LATEST)
-Eat more vegetables, and less bad, processed stuff
-Drink more water, less sodas (ugh, my pepsi addiction!) and less coffee
-Lose weight (it's easier to go faster and longer if you're lighter!)
So there's that!
Today's run breakdown:
Mile 1 (warm up mile): 13:23
Mile 2: 13:14
Mile 3: 15:10
Mile 4: 15:15
Mile 5: 14:37
So yes, slow, hard, thirsty, and hilly... But I did it! That's what counts :D
Happy Running 2012
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