Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Obesity in America...

Body image. Those two words alone are enough to make your eyes roll and your head hurt. In western society,  specifically America, it seems that we have two standards; first, that if you're female, you need to be extra-super-thin and if you're male you need to be the bulked up perfect "V" shape; and second, that you are just fine the way you are no matter your gender, weight, or background. The second one sounds really normal and sane, doesn't it? Yes, at first glance. Heck, even the first one can sound perfectly fine to some people. The problem? Let me put it this way: how many situations, in reality, are so black and white as this? Is it really, starkly "Thin is good, fat is bad" or "You are whatever you are"? No. It isn't. Nothing is ever black and white, and this assumption – that one of these two extremes are right, is what is slowly killing Americans today. Now, most people are highly aware of anorexia, bulimia, and such eating disorders that cause extreme thinness. I do not mean to belittle those problems whatsoever, but it is another problem that needs more attention. It seems like there is a trend developing in America where people are accepting obesity as part of a person that doesn't need to be changed, rather than a deadly problem that needs to be addressed.

Now, those are some pretty strong words I've used, but let me explain. A person is not what they look like – in fact, that is the main emphasis of what Americans have been saying in this trend I speak of. A person isn't what they look like on the outside; it isn't what size pants they wear, or whether or not they can run ten miles at a stretch. A person is who they are inside, in their heart and mind. A person is not the fat they wear, or the diseases they might have because of that fat.

Excess fat on a person's body is deadly. It can cause heart disease, stroke, and diabetes – some of the culprits in the CDC's top ten killers list for the past few years. Obesity in America has risen exponentially in the past few years. Those that say genetics is to blame would have to deal with the statistics in that this has happened much too quickly for that, and the obesity rates correlate too strongly with things such as increased fast food consumption and decreased availability of fresh fruits and vegetables, not to mention a decrease in exercise of any form, an increase in time spent in front of digital media, and an increase in time spent in tiny cubicles hunched over computer keyboards eight hours a day. 

Please understand that I am not saying that people who are at an unhealthy weight should be bullied and pushed and prodded into exercise and better eating. Some might think this is a solution, but I do not. I believe that the main problem with our society in this regard is that we have become so focused on accepting people no matter what their shape that we forget that they are mortal, and their shape has everything to do with how long and how well they live.

I love people, just people in general. It doesn't matter to me what a person looks like as far as me liking them goes. Every time I meet someone new, I am fascinated because I get to look at the world through a new point of view – theirs. But I also don't want to think about how, if the person is obese or at an unhealthy weight, they are going to very most likely have a poorer quality of life when they get older, and most likely a life complicated by debilitating disease. In fact, perhaps the people already are suffering from the affects of an overabundance of fat on the body. I want everyone to live a long and high quality life, to be the beautiful people that they are, and to be able to accomplish their dreams and goals without disease rearing its ugly head when it could be readily avoided.

Please don't misunderstand – I do not say that I want people to be stick-thin. That's just as bad. I am merely saying that, in America – and the world – we are dealing with an obesity epidemic that our society would love to ignore. But American society can't ignore it; it's making itself sick. As Americans, let's do what we can to make sure that everyone in America lives long, healthy, vibrant lives. Not by making it a social pariah to be at an unhealthy weight, but by making it socially acceptable to not eat fast food every day, removing the stigma that salads are "diet food", that broccoli is gross, and exercise is no fun.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Awesomesauce

...is that I broke my official course PR on my "hometown" 5k course. By 0:40. Yes. I know. It's awesome.

So, I decided to do this because I was tired of it hanging over my head. My previous (official) PR on that course was 42:28. Part of that was because I freaked out because I had gone out quicker than usual and wasn't really feeling it, aside from some calf stiffness that I was used to at the time (it was a shoe problem). At that time, I don't think it was as good as I had done before, but it was pretty close. I don't even remember what it was before that. (Do you ever forget old race times? It's been a year since I did that and it was never posted anywhere; I just remember...)

So, yesterday, I made a decision to break PR today. Not a goal, not a hope - a decision. What made me do that? I don't know. Somehow, I knew if I tried really, really hard - I could. So, I got myself ready. I figured out my splits, I told people what I was going to do (accountability) and geared up.

I woke up this morning and my ankle was hurting a bit. I was tired. I didn't feel that great because I had eating waaaaaay too much for dinner last night. Around 9:00 my brother knocked on my door and said that I should get up (in the nicest of terms) for getting ready to run. I debated with myself for 15 minutes about whether or not I should do it. I finally got up and was starting to put on my everyday clothes when I thought: "You know what, why not? My ankle thing doesn't really do any worse if I run; it has a range of "good" and "bad" that's not going to change if I try to PR today, this morning!" Also, I didn't want to tell my brother again (I do this a lot) "Let's wait until later..."

So I went. My planned splits were 14:00, 13:00, 12:00, and at most 2:00 for the last 0.1 (really 0.19 on this course).

Break Down:

Lunge Matrix Warm Up

Mile 1: 13:24
2: 12:35
3: 13:42
last .19: 2:06 @ 11:18 pace

Total: 41:48

Just about perfectly what I wanted, although towards the end I was thinking: "Anything less than 42:28, even if it's by just a second! Just keep going!" And I did. It was AWESOMESAUCE, as I promised before.

R. ran the last 0.6 mile with me. He also PR'd in the same distance, same course by 58 seconds. I was quite proud of him, especially since he thought it would be quite difficult for him to get even a few seconds off that time.

So yay! I'm going to be doing this exercize (hehehe) once a week during marathon training until it gets too hard, or I'm not noticing results. But it was fun, and it showed me what I really can do, no matter what.

I think it also helped that I just kept my concentration on that one goal of PR'ing.  I'm so happy!

Happy Running!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Let The Training Begin!

Marathon training that is...

So, short post because it's late and I don't feel like writing a whole ton... hopefully, I will tomorrow! If my goals come through, I will! Bwahahahaha!

Anyway, Sunday's run in short:

13.1 planned
8.08 achieved
Shortened due to:
Blisters in high pressure (when running) areas (what? Why? Never happened before!)

Good run anyway! Cool!

Tonight: blisters drained and bandaged (TMI? Well, running can be a grisly business; you should know that!)

Tomorrow: Awesomesauce!

Happy running! (and good luck on any running goals/expectations/hopes/dreams for the coming year!)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Best Run Ever...

Okay, so this is going to be a two-in-one post because I forgot to blog yesterday... le sigh... (I'm going to relieve the suspense and tell you that the second run was the best. Just so you know).

So, yesterday I did an easy 6.3 miler. It was on-purpose-easy because 1) I didn't feel that good once I got started and 2) it was the 4th day of my streak, which may not be a lot for some, but it's been a while since I've ran that much, so I wanted to take it easy. For number 3, I keep getting reminded that slow, easy miles are good and should be a regular part of endurance training.

My goal was a 15:00 pace and I actually ended up doing 14:32, despite loads of walking to keep myself on my goal pace. I really, really didn't want to go too fast on a longer run for fear of blowing up, plus, as I said before - long, slow miles.

So a breakdown of that:

Lunge Matrix warm up
Mile 1: 15:14
2: 14:00
3: 14:52
4: 16:21
5: 13:56
6: 14:41
Last .3: 4:28 @ 14:43 pace

So yeah, I got a good easy run in, which I was happy about. I listened to 100 mile ultrarunning (one of my favorite podcasts) and enjoyed it immensely. As a matter of fact, I wasn't done by the time the podcast was and so I switched to music. I found that it was just too much. I realize that, at least for now, the stress of finding the "right" song for the "right" pace is just too much and is overriding the "listen to your body!" mantra that works so well for me! So I'll be taking a break from music and going back to podcasts (which I really have missed!) at least for now.

Okay, the second (today's) run was awesome. It's the 5th day in a row that I've ran. I felt sure that my legs were going to be sore and just uncooperative and miserable. I had planned a 6 miler again but only did 3.2, but not for the reason you might think (aha!).

Earlier, I was looking at the time limits for the marathon in May (yippee!) and found that only the first half had a time limit. The first 13.1 miles had to be done in 3:30 because of road closure issues. I decided that on Sunday, I was going to run 13.1 (or as much as possible) just to see where I stand. Thus, I decided that I'm going to take it easy on today's and Friday's run so that I'll be more prepared for Sunday.

So, on my run, I felt awesome! I was able to just zone out and multiple times I forgot that I was even running! I've never had that happen to me before. I had to stop and walk a couple of times, sure, once because I was really charging a hill and decided to slow up and ended up talking (while walking) to someone for longer than I absolutely wanted. Another time I stopped because I was getting abdominal cramps (dehydration?), and at the end, I was feeling so good and didn't want to "ruin" it that I walked a short, steep hill. I felt so, so, so good. I think the fact that I jump started my mileage and started running more has maybe broken through a rut I was in and didn't realize it - or didn't know how to get out of. So, the truth really is, run more to run better!

I was aiming for a 14:00 pace just so I knew I could take it easy. I knew I would probably do better once I got going because I felt so good. I actually did a tiny bit of sprinting, haha. This time I was listening to Running From the Reaper (another favorite) and was really, really able to zone out. I didn't PR or anything, but it was a very happy, satisfactory run. It was a run that made me realize what I can do, instead of feeling like my body can't do what I want it to. I didn't even look at my Garmin that much! I sort of just loped along at a pace that my body and the road allowed, which wasn't too slow - especially considering the insta-boost in mileage- and it was just awesome!

Anyway, breakdown:

Lunge Matrix warm up (slightly abbreviated)
Mile 1) 14:35
2: 13:02
3: 14:23
Last .2: 2:22 @ 11:49 pace.

My average pace ended up being 13:52.

So not especially speedy, but it was especially nice. I hope tomorrow's goes just as well!

Happy Running!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Aaaaand number 3 for the year!

Okay, so I woke up this morning and my calf was cramping up (I think it's a combination of not enough water, the cold, possibly lack of electrolytes, not stretching enough, and a crowned road (yay California :P)). So, I decided I would run later to see if it would work itself out. It's sort of a thing that escalates the more I run, so I gotta stretch it out and give it a break now and again or I can't run. BAH.

So I got back from a thing and it was 4:00. The sun sets at about 5:00, so I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible and run. I changed quickly and realized I had to go to the bathroom. I decided it could wait (although I knew I had had a cup of coffee earlier...) since I was racing the sun, and I only planned on doing ~ 2 miles.

So, fast forward a bit to me running at a good clip (keeping an 11:00 - 10:00 pace quite easily; good for me!) and not having to stop, pushing myself a little. A fast run, I thought, since it's going to be short. I turn around, make my way down the other side of a little, steep, hill and realize I have to stop.

My bladder, I just knew, would betray me in the worst way possible if I continued. I mean, I couldn't feel any of the proper muscles down there.... cause, you know, running means a large bit of blood flow diverted from places to just the legs and heart/lung area.

I still managed an okay pace.

I'm glad I ran today - that's 3 in a row! The longest streak in a long time, hahahahaha.

So, here are the stats:

No warm up

1.77 miles total distance
23:17 time
13:09 average pace.

So yeah. It felt like a really, really good run. It was a shame that I had to stop...

There's always tomorrow!

Happy Running!

(P.S. I'm really hoping to find some trails at some point; trail running seems like it would be sooo much fun and I haven't done any, aside from that marsh run last year, which I don't think counts too much...)

Monday, January 2, 2012

It's Monday and I'm Still Running!

hahaha yeah....


Kind of a heavy feeling run. I think it was because I ran yesterday and haven't done back-to-back runs in a long time. I had fun, though. I also think the cold made my muscles stiff. It wasn't that cold though  - around 45 degrees... but it felt colder than, say, the 40 degrees I was used to a week or two ago. Very strange, as the Beatles would say.

I ran with R. because his leg was acting up - partly his IT band area. I told him to do the rehab on the strength running website (it's a really good website!), but he hasn't yet. I'll bug him some more; I don't want him to have issues!

But during the run, his legs loosened up. Afterwards his calf was giving him trouble. Oy. I swear it's the building up of mileage and being not used to back-to-back running days. Oh, well. It'll iron itself out. Hopefully; we'll keep an eye on it.

Anyway, it was slow, but enjoyable.

Matrix Warm Up (also did a bit of a slower first half mile to warm up):
Mile 1: 14:40
Mile 2: 13:14
Mile 3: 14:41
Last .21: 2:54 @ 13:58 pace (walked a bit)

I'm trying to get over my habit of walking. I know it's a habit because I just do it. I do it when I get into rhythm and feel great; I do it when I start to ache all over. It's bad. Very bad. I know if I just keep running, I can get past the mental barrier and forget that something hurts or I just feel like stopping in general.

What are your ways of solving this difficulty?

Happy Running :D

Sunday, January 1, 2012

First Run of 2012

So, I wanted to do 10 - I did! But between my trapeziums hurting (because I've started strength training again) and staying up too late, I didn't get good sleep, or enough. I also haven't been eating very well or drinking enough water.

When will I learn that I have to take care of myself before I can become a better runner? Jeez!

Anyway, I ended up doing 5 miles at a fairly slow pace. But it's okay. It's a good start! This year is going to be a great running year, I have determined.

To make sure this happens, I'm going to:

-Get to bed earlier (11:00 or 12:00, at the LATEST)
-Eat more vegetables, and less bad, processed stuff
-Drink more water, less sodas (ugh, my pepsi addiction!) and less coffee
-Lose weight (it's easier to go faster and longer if you're lighter!)

So there's that!

Today's run breakdown:

Mile 1 (warm up mile): 13:23
Mile 2: 13:14
Mile 3: 15:10
Mile 4: 15:15
Mile 5: 14:37

So yes, slow, hard, thirsty, and hilly... But I did it! That's what counts :D

Happy Running 2012